Sales Techniques

Unlock Your Opportunities

Apr 29 2024

The RAH Technique

Let's face it: we're in sales; we're going to get a lot of objections. It's critical as a sales professional for you to have the right mindset and the right skills to work your way through the objection part of all sales processes. So here comes a fundamental approach that will significantly improve your interactions with your clients: the R.A.H. objection handling technique. This simple yet powerful method can be a game-changer in your sales ...

Apr 8 2024

Fish Upstream! Find next year’s sellers today

As the face of our industry changes, from technology, from competition - and most notably in the past few months, from regulation -  we need to identify and connect with next year's sellers before they even consider reaching out to other Realtors. How do you start building your pipeline with potential listings for 2025? Door-knocking. That's right. Door-knocking, one of the oldest lead-generation techniques, has made a powerful comeback. While it may generate anxiety at ...

Mar 18 2024

Slow down … or speed up?

When speaking with clients and prospects, should you be speeding up your speech, or perhaps taking it down a notch? Does it even matter? Believe it or not, it does ... a lot! Pace of speech is a crucial aspect of a communication technique known as "mirroring and matching." This topic is so rich and multifaceted that we could explore it from many angles, but this blog post's focus is on pace of speech . ...

Jan 22 2024

The “Tie-Down” Close

Here's a powerful communication tool that can significantly improve your communication and sales skills with clients: the tie-down technique. This pattern is not just a closing technique but a way to foster commitment and logical thinking in your clients. That can be very powerful when, as Realtors, we work in a highly emotionally charged time in people's lives! What Is the Tie-Down Technique? The tie-down technique is a communication strategy used for two purposes: 1) ...

Jul 17 2023

How to Increase Your Lead Response Rate by 55%

Today, you're going to discover a powerful strategy that can help you boost your internet lead conversion rate by a massive 55% (!). As a Realtor, you understand the challenge of transforming internet leads from a seemingly endless stream of impersonal data to actual humans with real buying and selling opportunities that can drive your business growth.    The strategy I'm going to share with you hinges on using video texts to bring a touch ...

Jul 3 2023

Three Techniques to Boost Your Listing Appointment Conversion Rate

Hello, Realtor friends!  I’m writing this blog post during the first week of July 2023, and one thing is for sure - there are not enough listings to go around! That means that a listing is a great sales opportunity for Realtors, and it’s critical to take as many of the listing appointments that you go on.  Specifically, I’m going to share with you three different techniques that will dramatically increase your conversion rate between ...

Apr 24 2023

The Top 3 Realtor Closes of An Industry Veteran

Today I want to share three of my favorite closing techniques with you: The Assumptive Close, The Trial Close, and The Alternate Close. We’re in this business because we love helping people and we love getting paid for it. But there is a very real sales element to our business: no matter how good you are at the mechanics of real estate and no matter how much you love helping people, if you can’t close ...