The RAH Technique


Let’s face it: we’re in sales; we’re going to get a lot of objections.

It’s critical as a sales professional for you to have the right mindset and the right skills to work your way through the objection part of all sales processes. So here comes a fundamental approach that will significantly improve your interactions with your clients: the R.A.H. objection handling technique. This simple yet powerful method can be a game-changer in your sales conversations.

Understanding Objections

What is an objection, really? When a client objects, they are essentially signaling a pause, expressing a reluctance to proceed. Recognize that objections are natural and stem from the client’s honest concerns or misperceptions about the opportunity in front of them. Objections are not personal attacks; they are opportunities to understand a client’s perception, needs, and priorities.

If we immediately leap to handling our client’s objection – which is what most sales people do – we are effectively telling them that their perspective and opinion are wrong. This is a problem for two reasons: 1) no one likes to be told their wrong; and 2) you have entered into an adversarial position with your client. That is not a position to make a home sale!

Introducing the R.A.H. Technique

R.A.H. stands for Repeat, Approve, and Handle. This technique aligns with the respectful and empathetic communication that clients appreciate and respond well to. Let’s break it down:

1. Repeat: When a client voices an objection, start by repeating their concern. This shows that you are actively listening and understand their perspective. For instance, if a client says, “I think this home is overpriced,” you might respond with, “So, you’re feeling that the home might not be worth the asking price?”

2. Approve: After repeating the objection, show approval or empathy. This doesn’t mean you agree that their objection is a deal-breaker, but it shows you understand and appreciate their perspective. You might say, “I understand why you might feel that way. I wouldn’t want to overpay for a home, either.”

3. Handle: Only after you’ve acknowledged and empathized with their concern should you attempt to handle the objection. This is where your expertise comes in. Guide them with information that helps change their perspective and/or offer alternatives that might alleviate their concerns. Continuing the example, you could follow up with, “let’s take a look at market absorption rates, recent comparable sales, and market competition and see if the price is fair.”

Why R.A.H. Works

The R.A.H. technique is effective because it builds trust. By repeating and approving, you align yourself with your client, reducing the likelihood of resistance. You’re not just trying to overcome their objection; you’re helping them to reevaluate their stance based on new information or perspectives you provide. This method positions you not as a salesperson but as an advocate for their best interests.

Apply It Beyond Real Estate

What’s beautiful about the R.A.H. technique is its versatility. It’s not only useful in real estate but in all your communications—be it with colleagues, family, or friends. It fosters understanding and diminishes conflict, paving the way for more productive and harmonious interactions.

Your Takeaway

As you move forward in your real estate career, remember that your ability to handle objections speaks volumes about your professionalism. Use the R.A.H. technique to enhance your communication skills. Practice it consistently, and watch how it transforms not just your sales conversations, but all your interpersonal interactions.

You’re doing more than just selling homes; you’re building relationships. And in our industry, strong relationships are the cornerstone of success.