Cold Calling

Unlock Your Opportunities

Jul 29 2023

Cold Calls Suck! And Why Warm Leads are Underrated. 

Let’s keep it real here: cold calls suck! 'Hot’ leads, on the other hand, are easy lay-ups that we relish as they are oftentimes an easier sale.    However, the essence of a successful real estate career lies not in the extremes of cold calls and hot leads, but in the nuanced, in-between spectrum of warm leads. This is where the real magic happens, and where the majority of your income is generated. Our willingness ...

Jul 17 2023

How to Increase Your Lead Response Rate by 55%

Today, you're going to discover a powerful strategy that can help you boost your internet lead conversion rate by a massive 55% (!). As a Realtor, you understand the challenge of transforming internet leads from a seemingly endless stream of impersonal data to actual humans with real buying and selling opportunities that can drive your business growth.    The strategy I'm going to share with you hinges on using video texts to bring a touch ...

Mar 1 2023

The Only 2 Ways to Increase Your Real Estate Sales

REVEALED: The ONLY two ways to directly increase your real estate sales.  Real estate sales can be a highly competitive field, with many agents constantly looking for ways to increase their sales volume.  There are thousands of different strategies and techniques written to help you achieve grow your sales. However, all these tips and strategies are all just derivatives of the two fundamental truths in the business: You can grow your business by: 1) increasing ...