Industry Tips and Tricks

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Feb 19 2024

Where Should You Collect Reviews?

In the digital age, where online presence is as crucial as your physical presence, one question stands out: how are you curating your online brand? And specifically to this post, where are you collecting your five-star reviews? Why do online reviews matter? When potential clients are considering working with you, the first thing they do is not call you, but look you up online. Can they trust you? Have others had a good experience working ...

Sep 1 2023

How to Generate More Listings with Social Media

In cities like Cincinnati - and across most of the country - Realtors are experiencing a highly limited availability of listings. In the most acute seller’s market in our country’s history, it’s a great time to take listings! The question we are all asking ourselves is, ‘How do I take more listings?’   Perception is Reality   In sales specifically, and for the most part, life in general, perception is reality. How you're perceived by ...

Jul 17 2023

How to Increase Your Lead Response Rate by 55%

Today, you're going to discover a powerful strategy that can help you boost your internet lead conversion rate by a massive 55% (!). As a Realtor, you understand the challenge of transforming internet leads from a seemingly endless stream of impersonal data to actual humans with real buying and selling opportunities that can drive your business growth.    The strategy I'm going to share with you hinges on using video texts to bring a touch ...
How Realtors can protect their clients from wire fraud

Apr 18 2023

Protecting Our Clients From Wire Fraud

Title Company Wire Fraud is on the Rise - Here's How We Can Stop It Over the past few years, title company wire fraud has been on the rise in the real estate industry. Wire fraud can cause our clients to lose tens of thousands of dollars and tarnishes the integrity of our industry as a whole. As experienced agents, we have a responsibility to protect our clients from these scams, and there are three ...

Apr 5 2023

Crack the MOFIR Code: Transform Your Real Estate Business and Skyrocket Your Conversions

Unlock the Power of MOFIRs: The Secret to Converting Leads Like a Pro The Mystery of MOFIRs Ok, Realtor friends, today I'm excited to share a game-changing concept with you that will level up the way you approach lead conversion in your real estate business. It's called using a MOFIR. It's not just any ordinary method - it's a secret weapon that the top real estate agents and marketers use in the industry to consistently ...