
Unlock Your Opportunities

Jun 24 2024

How do I demonstrate competence in a buyer consultation?

Ok Realtor Friends, Now that we've explored how to establish warmth in your buyer consultations, it's time to focus on the second critical component of building trust: demonstrating competence. While warmth earns you the client's personal trust, competence wins their professional trust, which is critical to signing a buyer broker agreement. Why Competence Matters Competence assures your clients that you're not only a friendly face but also a capable professional who can effectively handle their ...

Jun 10 2024

Do this first if you want to sign a buyer broker agreement!

As of this writing, we are 5 weeks out from the mandatory adoption of buyer broker agreements. That's why Lockbox has dedicated the month of June to educating Realtors on how to properly structure a buyer consultation that yields a signed buyer broker agreement. If you missed it, start with last week's post on why trust is so important to earn early in the consultation. Today we focus on how to earn one of the ...

Jun 3 2024

Buyer Broker Agreements? They’re All About TRUST

As we approach the widespread adoption of buyer broker agreements, the need to refine our Buyer consultation and presentation skills is more critical than ever. With these changes just around the corner, our focus for June will be on enhancing the way we engage with potential buyers during these critical initial meetings. The key to successfully navigating these discussions? Trust. Trust: The Currency of All Real Estate Transactions In any sales scenario, the party that ...

Mar 31 2024

Are you using this tax tool for your clients?

Realtor friends, we are fiduciaries, and part of great fiduciary service is making sure that our clients are as informed as possible to make the best financial decisions. An important consideration for our clients is the tax implications of their purchase price. If you're serving clients in Hamilton County, Ohio, you should be aware of the county's valuable resource for projecting future tax payments: the Hamilton County Auditor’s tax tool. And if you conduct business ...

Dec 4 2023

The Sitzer | Burnett Lawsuit Reality

Realtor friends, the recent legal developments impacting our industry have been a shot heard around the world. The  Sitzer|Burnett verdict finding the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and two large national brokerage brands guilty of colluding to fix commission pricing means that we must reassess our approach to our profession. With more lawsuits on the horizon and a changing landscape, there are some vital adjustments we need to make - immediately. Some of these changes ...

Jul 17 2023

How to Increase Your Lead Response Rate by 55%

Today, you're going to discover a powerful strategy that can help you boost your internet lead conversion rate by a massive 55% (!). As a Realtor, you understand the challenge of transforming internet leads from a seemingly endless stream of impersonal data to actual humans with real buying and selling opportunities that can drive your business growth.    The strategy I'm going to share with you hinges on using video texts to bring a touch ...

Jul 11 2023

How to Sell Two Homes in the Next Two Weeks

Ok Realtor friends, the market of the moment has given us a short window of opportunity.    Today, we're going to discuss a strategy that is especially relevant in our current market climate: how to educate our home-buying clients, and in the process, create urgency for those buyers to make an offer in the next two weeks. Sound good? Let's dive in!   So what is that short window of opportunity for buyers in today’s ...

Jun 21 2023

Stop Saying This!!! Use This Format Instead…

Hey there, Realtors! Thanks for reading another blog post from Lockbox, where we provide lessons in leads, listings, and leadership for Realtors. Today, I've got a hard truth to share with you:   Stop saying, "I'd love to be your Realtor!"    Why?   The cold truth is this: your prospects don’t care if you want to be their Realtor. It might be harsh, but it's a fact. The only person who cares about you being ...

Jun 12 2023

Handling the “I Don’t Want to Overpay” Objection

Hello fellow Realtors!   How many of us have heard our buyer client say something like, "I don't want to overpay for my next house"? I’m willing to bet just about all of us! It’s a normal and valid concern for a buyer to have (I don’t want to overpay for anything, either!). At the time of writing this blog post, we are in a strong seller’s market, so we agents are hearing this objection ...
How Realtors can protect their clients from wire fraud

Apr 18 2023

Protecting Our Clients From Wire Fraud

Title Company Wire Fraud is on the Rise - Here's How We Can Stop It Over the past few years, title company wire fraud has been on the rise in the real estate industry. Wire fraud can cause our clients to lose tens of thousands of dollars and tarnishes the integrity of our industry as a whole. As experienced agents, we have a responsibility to protect our clients from these scams, and there are three ...