These 1-Minute Life Hacks Help You Hit Your Goals


We’re in February now and we’re about 8.5% into the new year. This is where our goals start to lose some of their shininess and some of our commitment may wane a little bit.

I want to share with you two life hacks that can help you stay on point as you pursue your financial and/or personal goals. So, the first hack I want to share with you is the 42% rule. Psychologists have done research and what they’ve found is that your chance of achieving your goal increases 42% if you just write it down. Can you believe that?  There’s a commitment that goes on between your mind and your hand when you write it out.

The problem is that life has gotten a lot more distracting. In fact, this statistic may shock you… 80% of people pick up their phones within 15 minutes of waking up. What does that do? I’ll be honest, the majority of the stuff I see on my phone is garbage.  The doom scroll on social media is a real thing. All we are doing when we are in the middle of a doom scroll is putting garbage into our heads. Not to mention, we are putting someone else’s message over our own.

So, what’s the hack for this? Instead of reaching for your phone when you wake up, go over your goal. Review it and then write it down again. Seeding your brain with the right focus before hopping on your phone is going to level up your chances of achieving your goal in 2023.

I would like to leave this moment with an adage. Habits create systems and systems create success. If your habit is to jump on social media first thing in the morning, that is creating a system. A system that does nothing to benefit your personal success. So, instead, create a habit of rewriting your goals which is before I do anything else, I am going to rewrite my goal and in turn that becomes a system of success.

I hope this was helpful for you.