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Dec 29 2022

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before 2023

The end of the year is almost here, and there are three questions you absolutely need to be asking yourself about your business before next year begins. It's time for Realtor Reflections. The year is almost over. A new year is starting, and one of the things that we should always be doing is evaluating, "Where did we get our business last year?" What were my top three sources? Did they come from my sphere? ...

Dec 21 2022

Do you have commission breath?

Are you suffering from commission breath? Have there been times in your real estate career, or maybe even right now, where you're repelling the exact people you're actually trying to attract as future buyers and sellers of real estate? This is a common condition in our industry. We so often want to skip the most important first step of working with a new client, which is earning their trust. In our last blog post we ...

Nov 23 2022

Most Realtors don’t know this

Most Realtors don't know this formula, and their clients pay the price!  Although every lender knows this formula, because Realtors don’t know it, they're not writing contracts that can best leverage today's market to reduce the affordability for their buyers. The question is “how many closing costs can a seller pay?” *Disclaimer: this data is subject to change. It’s our responsibility to educate our clients and get them in front of mortgage professionals.  Here's the ...

Nov 21 2022

Interest Rates

If you're following the residential real estate market, you might be thinking “The sky is falling!!” Afterall, 30-year fixed interest rates on a residential mortgage have gone from 3.5% at the beginning of this year all the way up to around 7%.  That's double the interest rate! It feels like everything should be falling apart, so I thought a little historical context would help here. If you look over the past 50 years of residential ...

Nov 21 2022

Why Realtors aren’t confident in their finances

If you're watching this video, you're probably a residential real estate agent. If you're like me, there have been times in your career where you've felt a little bit of anxiety around your personal finances. I hated that feeling, but it's real because we're on 100% commission. There is no salary. There is no consistency in our income. It's a horrible feeling, and I have spent years and years trying to solve for this feeling ...

Nov 21 2022

Four kinds of buyers you can tap into TODAY

Here are four kinds of buyers who are going to be excited to buy a home in 2023. Showings are down 20% year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2022, and new sales are down 16%. We expect that trend to continue, and the experts believe we'll see 33% less transactions in 2023. So how are we not just going to maintain our sales level but level it up over the next 12 months?  Let's jump ...