Where Should You Collect Reviews?


In the digital age, where online presence is as crucial as your physical presence, one question stands out: how are you curating your online brand? And specifically to this post, where are you collecting your five-star reviews?

Why do online reviews matter? When potential clients are considering working with you, the first thing they do is not call you, but look you up online. Can they trust you? Have others had a good experience working with you? Your reviews are a reflection of your professionalism, expertise, and client satisfaction. So assuming you agree that online reviews matter, let’s review the three best platforms for collecting these crucial testimonials:

1. Facebook: Accessible but Less Impactful

Starting with Facebook, it’s an accessible platform for gathering reviews. If you have a business page, directing clients here for feedback is straightforward. The advantage is that Facebook reviews are indexed by Google, making them visible in search results. However, Facebook reviews might be seen as less authoritative in the real estate domain. Facebook is a place for social experiences first, and business pages are a distant second in value to the Facebook user. In short, reviews on Facebook are easy to collect but don’t carry as much weight as reviews on more real estate- and business-focused platforms.

2. Zillow: Industry-Specific but Limited Control

Zillow, a household name in real estate, introduced the concept of five-star reviews to our industry. Having your reviews on Zillow makes sense as it’s a recognized brand associated with residential real estate. This brings greater credibility to the reviews posted about you. The downside, however, is two-fold. Firstly, clients need to register on Zillow to leave a review, which can be a real barrier. Secondly, and equally importantly, your reviews on Zillow are not entirely within your control. You are using the reviews platform of a company that competes with you in the same space. Zillow, with its own set of goals and agendas, might not always align with your best interests.

3. Google: The Best Option

This leads us to what I consider the best platform for aggregating reviews – Google. Setting up a Google My Business profile allows you to quickly and easily collect reviews. The beauty of Google lies in its universality. Almost everyone uses Google, and those reviews are trusted and easily accessible. Unlike Zillow, Google doesn’t have a direct stake in the real estate industry, making it a neutral platform. Plus, Google favors its content in search results, making your reviews more likely to be seen by prospective clients. The only challenge is that oftentimes, Google will only accept reviews from people with a Gmail account.

Strategic Collection of Reviews

Whichever platform you choose, the key is consistency. It’s better to have a concentrated collection of reviews on one platform than to spread them thinly across multiple sites. When a consumer looks you up on a platform and only sees a small number of reviews, it implies that you either are newer to the business and lack experience, or that you don’t do a great job. Neither of those is the impression we want to make! A substantial number of reviews on a single platform not only enhances your credibility but also gives potential clients a comprehensive view of your expertise and the satisfaction of your past clients.

Building Your Online Reputation

Your online reputation is a digital asset that requires careful cultivation. Encourage your satisfied clients to leave reviews. Start with just one platform to make sure you establish a critical mass of positive reviews as quickly as possible.  Make it a part of your closing process – a final, but crucial, step in your service. Remember, in an industry driven by trust and credibility, your online reviews are a powerful tool in winning new business.