How Will Your Veteran Buyer Compete with The New NAR Rules?


Are you working with veteran homebuyers? There’s an important update regarding VA loans that you need to be aware of—an update that could significantly impact your veteran clients’ ability to compete in today’s real estate market.

Recent Changes in VA Lending

With the ongoing adjustments following the NAR settlement, a significant change has been that sellers are no longer required to compensate buyer agents. This shift posed a unique challenge for veterans using VA loans, traditionally restricted from paying any form of compensation for buyer representation.

This restriction placed veteran buyers at a significant disadvantage, especially in competitive markets where multiple offers are common. Without the ability to compensate their buyer agents, veterans would be left unable to secure the best possible representation during the home buying process. Or, they would have to represent themselves … never a good idea when making a real estate purchase!

Temporary Variance to Aid Veteran Homebuyers

Recognizing the undue hardship this placed on veterans, the Department of Veteran Affairs took a crucial step on June 11th. The VA issued a temporary variance in VA lending policies, now allowing veterans to pay customary buyer broker charges. This adjustment is a game-changer for veterans, enabling them to finance their buyer agent’s commission through their VA loans and compete on a level playing field with non-VA loan borrowers.

What This Means for Realtors and Veteran Clients

This temporary policy change means that veterans are no longer at a disadvantage in bidding wars and can ensure they receive the best representation possible by compensating their buyer agents. For Realtors, this opens up opportunities to serve veteran clients more effectively, ensuring they can compete on equal footing with other buyers.

Implications and Moving Forward

The VA’s decision, although temporary, is a significant acknowledgment of the unique challenges faced by veteran homebuyers in light of the recent NAR settlement. It allows them to engage in the real estate market more effectively until a long-term solution is implemented. As Realtors, it’s crucial to stay informed about these changes and guide your veteran clients accordingly, ensuring they understand how this can benefit their home buying journey.

For now, veterans can fully participate in the market, but we must keep a close eye on further updates from the Department of Veteran Affairs. The long-term resolution to this issue will be crucial in ensuring that veterans continue to receive the benefits and support they deserve in recognition of their service.