Do this first if you want to sign a buyer broker agreement!


As of this writing, we are 5 weeks out from the mandatory adoption of buyer broker agreements. That’s why Lockbox has dedicated the month of June to educating Realtors on how to properly structure a buyer consultation that yields a signed buyer broker agreement. If you missed it, start with last week’s post on why trust is so important to earn early in the consultation. Today we focus on how to earn one of the two elements necessary to earn trust: establishing warmth.

The Fundamental Role of Warmth in Building Trust

Warmth is your first step in not just meeting but connecting with potential buyers. It is about making them feel understood, respected, and valued right from the start. Remember, people are more likely to engage with someone they feel comfortable with, someone who resonates with them on a personal level.

Simple Steps to Establish Warmth

  1. Start with a Smile: Never underestimate the power of a smile! It sets a welcoming tone and can significantly ease the client’s anxiety, making them more open to communication.
  2. Mirror and Match: Adopting your client’s body language, tone, and speech rate helps create a subconscious sense of familiarity and comfort. This technique is subtle but incredibly effective in making clients feel ‘at home’ with you.
  3. Conduct a Thorough Needs Analysis: This is where you transition from casual rapport to genuine engagement. How you conduct your needs analysis says a lot about how much you are listening to – and ultimately care about – the buyer’s specific needs and preferences.

Employing the ‘Three Deep’ Question Technique

To dive deeper into understanding your clients during the needs analysis, use the ‘Three Deep’ question technique. This method helps unearth the real emotional drivers behind their needs, which is critical for you to emotionally connect with your clients: where they are, what pain point they are experiencing, and how your service can ultimately improve their lives. It’s also how you demonstrate that you are truly present and listening. Here’s how it works:

  • First Question: Ask about a specific requirement. For instance, if a client mentions needing a home office, ask, “What’s important to you about having a home office?”
  • Second Question: Dig deeper by asking, “What will having a home office do for you?” This could reveal more about their lifestyle or work habits.
  • Third Question: This is where the emotional depth comes in. Ask, “What will this ultimately do for you and your family?” This question often reveals the deepest motivations and can lead to profound insights into what the client truly values – and how you can connect with them on this motivation.

Here’s a real-life example from one of our past buyer consultations: A client needed a home with a backyard swimming pool. Through the ‘Three Deep’ technique, it was revealed that beyond just wanting a pool, the client was concerned about maintaining a lifestyle for their children that wouldn’t feel compromised due to recent significant life changes (watch the video for the actual story). Understanding this deeper motivation enabled us  to serve them not just as a buyer but as a family facing a major transition.

Why This Matters

By employing the ‘Three Deep’ question technique, you do more than gather information; you connect on an emotional level. It also forces you to be a more active listener. Listening – and the connection your form in the process – paves the way for trust, which is essential when asking clients to sign a buyer broker agreement. It shows that you care not just about making a sale, but about ensuring their needs are met